Is Java Still Relevant in the 2022?
Let’s review some stats from recognized sites and get your own result
Stackoverflow survey
The State of the Octoverse analyzes data from millions of developers & repos to share trends across working habits, productivity, and career satisfaction.
Tiobe Index
Widely used
The following tools, technologies, os, etc are developed in java and are widely used:
- Android
- Jenkins: devops
- Hadoop
- Apache Kafka
- ElasticSearch
- ActiveMQ: message broker
- Apache Hop (Pentaho): Best open source ETL
- Mule ESB: Enterprise Service Bus
Companies using Java
There is not portal with this kind of valuable information but, according to the github open source sites, architecture papers and job offers, these companies use java:
- Netflix: For running the backend of this movie streaming website. Check and and the 69 java repositories in
- Airbnb: For the backend/server-side development of its website and Android app
- Pinterest: For application and data processing, along with other languages
- Uber: To develop and maintain the entirety of its software that processes ride data
- Spotify: For the backend of this music streaming platform
- Slack: For its backend, including the development of Slack SDK for Java
- Amazon: For software development, including Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Google: It uses Java for a wide range of its operations and is always looking forward to hiring new talent for in-person and remote job opportunities
- eBay: To run the backend of its platform
- LinkedIn is 99% Java but 100% Mac
Maybe some readers will help us to validate these information!!
Ranking explanation
As you can see, Java is only behind of some languages. Here my two cents of explanation:
- Javascript: Is no a secret that javascript is the best or the only choice for modern web developments like spas (angular, react, vue). Nobody sane uses java or another server side language to developer a web layer in these days. Same applies for HTML/CSS.
- SQL: You could do almost everything with a sql accompanied by a well design, and modern hardware. We cannot say the same for the nosql engines.
- Python: I think only for machine learning and specifically thanks to Tensorflow framework
- Typescript: I’m disagree with this.
So if we remove python (used only for machine learning) and javascript (used only for react, angular, vue), Java is the King for enterprise backend applications
Also, if the same number of tools and companies can be attributed to another programing language like c# or python, please let us know in the comments